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American Psychiatry Association Poster Presentation on Brain Health Hawaii’s Personalized Treatment
A team from the University of Hawaii Department of Psychiatry presented clinical data from Brain Health Hawaii at a recent American Psychiatry Association meeting.
This clinical data showcases the positive outcomes of our hyper-personalized treatment using brain mapping or EEGs (electroencephalograms) every five to seven days to customize treatment according to a person’s brain map.
Standard rTMS (repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) traditionally does not involve brain mapping every five to seven days.
This study determined that EEG-guided rTMS — which is the method we use at Brain Health Hawaii — is associated with better outcomes and recovery from concussion while also resulting in improved mental health and a higher level of brain function.
Thank you to the presenters: Dr. Sheri Hiroi DuBay, Dr. Chris Tokeshi and Dr. Celia Ona from the University of Hawai’i Department of Psychiatry.